Thursday, November 29, 2007

Day Four - Thursday - Quotes from the Crew

Okay Fans... todays update is mostly about quotes from the core members of the ridining team... but first the lowdown... We went from Ladysmith to Nottingham with stopovers in Colenso, Estcourt and Mooiriver. There were massive hills that broke many of us (read: me).

Kevin Utian (Nandos South Africa CEO) joined us for the Thursday: "This is an absolutely awesome and incredibly emotional event. Watching the Nandocas doing this ride unselfishly for their fellow Nandocas is something that words can not describe. I was fortunate enough today to see some of our novice riders being pushed up the hill and it bought tears to my eyes. I can only sit in awe at the most amazing experience and i pay tribute to every single rider and the support team for creating magic this week. I salute you all!"

Janine Coetzee: "I lost concentration and the guys were just there to help me" - after dominating Alp-Du-Mooi River.... allegedly talking about the ride, but with the bunch of animals we have on tour, you never know what that means....

Bryan from NEMS:"Because the chicks are so strong, like Chinese Olympic swimmers (read: bigger muscles than the guys), the Medics on tour are going to take a blood and wee-wee sample... because we have noticed there pre and post drink mixers are out of the ordinary... that and the fact they want to kiss other girls"

Selwyn Bron (Nandos Global): "The Rolling Hills of the midlands, made my scooter go hard..."

"Standing up to the challenge of our riders,
you will win with fire your belly
we are with you all the way
the hottest Cock on the block
We are Peri proud of you, our Nandocas" Carla (Nandos Marketing)

"Wazza (aka runny guts) didnt do the ride on Wednesday, the only person in the history of Nandos (and it is 20 years old) not to do a day's ride... bitch" Jay Murguan.

"Do you want some of my icecream?" Bryan to Janine - ie, can i smooch you?

The CIO of Nandos was renamed "Prego" from "Fatty" due to hurt feelings that were inflicted...

"There aint no hill that Nandocas cant climb together" Cesar Dias - cyclist extradoranaire... oh, and MD of Coastal - this event is his brainchild.

"Jay Murugan is easy on the eye to the ladies, but the guys in the know, know that he likes the Chatsworth Chipolata" Wazza, BDM Coastal...

"The mountain bikers pulled away from the road-riding-gays and showed them what real riding was about..." Craig - Cross Colours

"Antonio uses solid tyres because tubes cant hold his weight" Eugene.

"Wazza may look appealing to the eye for guys... but chicks think he is a fat bitch" Jay Murugan

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